About Us

Club Organization

HVWGC is open to women in the Washtenaw county area and beyond in Michigan.  Members have the option to join Competitive and Non-Competitive leagues each golf season.  Leagues are added and changed as needed to satisfy requests from our members.  We continue to adapt to make our Club better every year.
Our Board of Directors is composed of nine members.  Each director has a 3-year term and each year three positions expire and open up for new nominations.
Permanent committees are tasked with the operation of the club and as the need arises new committees are created for the length of time needed to complete their responsibilities.

Board of Directors

Joyce Svechota – President
Sheri Affolder – Vice-President
Linda Soper – Treasurer
Cindy Hill – Secretary
Mary Barkley
Linda Cai
Karen O’Sullivan
Marla Smith
Gayle Moyer

Janice Caldwell – Founder

Committee Chairs

Handicap:  Cindy Hill
League Advisors:  Gayle Moyer, Marla Smith
Membership:  Karen O’Sullivan
Publicity:   Mary Barkley
Rules:  Linda Soper
Website:  Joyce Svechota

Established in 1991